Huberds Shoe Grease 213g

$34.00 inc GST


Huberds Shoe Grease 213g

The original formula has been in use for over 80 years. The mild formula is non-toxic and safe for use with your animals and on home furnishings that come in contact with your own skin. When used regularly, it will extend the life and performance of your shoes, sporting goods, work gloves, leather clothing and saddle and tack equipment by conditioning and waterproofing.

For best results, it is recommended warming the leather to room temperature prior to application. Remove any stains then apply the product with a soft brush, rag or fingers. Allow the product to sit for around 20 minutes then buff, if needed and remove any excess. If the product will come in contact with fabrics, wait an additional 15-30 minutes for the product to absorb completely to avoid any transfer. It can be used with suede but buffing is needed to reinvigorate the nap after application. It may darken light colored leather slightly.


  • Original pine tar and beeswax waterproofed and conditioner
  • Will extend the life and appearance of your leather goods
  • Non-toxic formula contains no animal fats, synthetic compounds or preservatives
  • Will not cause yellowing, stretching or deterioration of threads or leave a sticky residue
  • Made with pride from food grade ingredients at an Arizona factory